Please enter your order’s details in the form below and I’ll send you a project quote.
Available Content Packages
Package A
Native English speaker DICTATED CONTENT
$30 per 1000 word article
- List of keywords for your articles
- 1 keywords : 1 article
- Example article for formatting/structure
- Total number of words for your order
Native English speaker DICTATED CONTENT
Client supplies outline per article
$25 per 1000 word article
- Same as package A above but with your own outlines
- 1 outline : 1 article
- Total number of words for your order
Package B
Native English speaker EDITED non-native original content
$20 per 1000 words
- Your keyword / topic list
- 1 keyword : 1 article
- Example article for formatting/structure
- Total number of words for your order
Package C
Native English speaker EDITED non-native REWRITE content
$17.50 per 1000 words
- Source list you want rewritten
- 1 source = 1 rewrite
- Example article for formatting/structure
- Total number of words for your order
SurferSEO Optimization: Add $7.50 per article
HTML formatting with metadescription: Add $1.50 per article
Royalty-free Photos: Add $1 per 5 images (Pexels/Unsplash)
Internal linking: Add 20 cents per link (we’ll use a niche-focused call to action)
Do you have a SPECIAL PROJECT?
If you need content that doesn’t fit the packages above, please describe them in the form below
Order Details Form
Please enter your order’s details / order inquiry details below